Real Growers Recharge | Squatchmo Reviews.

Real Grower's Recharge,

When I was researching for my first grow, I found myself panicking at the number of options available. What type of medium do I want to use? Dry amendments or liquid nutrients? And, about a million and a half other questions. One product I noticed kept popping up regardless of growing style was Real Growers Recharge. This product kept crossing my path. I couldn’t find many bad reviews. It also didn’t hurt that Recharge belongs to the co-host of one of my favorite YouTube channels. With so much positive press, I decided to give Recharge a shot. Here are my results.

What Is Real Growers Recharge?

In the simplest of terms, Recharge is like a super-booster for the microbiology within your medium. Recharge uses beneficial microbes along with quality ingredients like kelp, mollases, and humic, fulvic, and amino acids. Mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen loaded bacteria help decompose organic material and make nutrients more readily available. The idea is to feed your soil first and your soil will feed your plants. Real Growers assert that growers can dial back as much as 25% when using Recharge.

The purpose of Real Growers Recharge is to create a strong root zone with a thriving microbial community. If you look imagine your roots as a mirror image of your plant, you can start to see how important root health is to the overall health of your plants.

Real Growers Recharge results in the root zone.
Here’s a terrible picture I took during transplanting. The white roots are a good sign.

How to use Recharge.

Recharge gets an A+ in the ease of use department. It’s as simple as one teaspoon of Recharge per gallon of water. It is primarily used as a soil drench, but can also be used as a foliar spray. I wasn’t particularly fond of spraying because it stained the leaves and made it hard to take pictures. I used Recharge every-other feeding up until the fifth week of flower. Real Growers suggests stopping around week five or six because the plants no longer need the high amount of nitrogen Recharge produces. Some growers may want to make a “tea” out of it. This simply involves aerating your Recharge mixture with an air stone. You can also add some worm castings or other compost for a little razzle-dazzle.

Is it Worth it?

In my limited experience so far, yes. Thirty bucks lasted me a full season and then some. I tend to beat the shit out of my plants, and they are turning into monsters. I attribute this more to Recharge than my own green thumb. Recharge has become a vital part of my soil and plant nutrition. I would recommend this product to newcomers because it clearly helped me stumble through my first grow.

For the sake of clarity, I want to emphasize that this is not a paid review. I do not and will not take payment for reviews. That being said, as an Amazon affiliate, I may profit from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. My goal is to provide a knowledge and assistance to newbie growers. I won’t give a positive review to any product I haven’t vetted, researched, tried personally, and would put my name behind.

Thanks for checking out this review and if you like what you see, check out how I got started growing medicinal cannabis.

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